Become A Member

Indigenous PEI


Sign up as a member of the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island (ITAPEI) at no cost to you. Membership fees are waived for the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

Being a member of your Indigenous Tourism Association supports program development, communications, training and enhanced opportunities to grow your business and the Indigenous tourism industry of Prince Edward Island.

Non-Indigenous tourism allies are welcome to join to receive communications, access to networking events and support the industry.  Select programs and services are available to Indigenous led organizations only. 

Please complete all sections below to inform the correct categorization of your membership with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island.

Indigenous Tourism Association of PEI Membership Categories

ITAPEI has two distinct categories of membership, Guiding Members and Supporting Members as well as specific programs available for status and non-status indigenous members. Please complete the section below to correctly categorize your membership and associated benefits. 

Guiding Members – Indigenous Businesses or Entrepreneurs

Guiding Members shall be Indigenous owners of tourism business, Indigenous entrepreneurs, or Indigenous community-owned tourism businesses within Prince Edward Island who support the Purpose of the Association as stated in the Association’s Articles, and who make application to and are approved by the Board of Directors.

The Board shall have the discretion to limit the number of Guiding Member memberships in such a way as to maintain a balance of power among its members. Apply Here

Supporting Members

Supporting Members may include Indigenous tourism allies and partners, including those who are non-Indigenous, and who support the Purpose of the Association as stated in the Association’s Articles, and who make application to and are approved by the Board of Directors. Apply Here

Become A Guiding Member

Preferred method of contact(Required)

Have you claimed your tourism business on Tripadvisor?
Max. file size: 64 MB.
In order to apply as a Guiding Member with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island your business must meet all three criteria. Please check the box beside each statement, if you meet the criteria.
Please select the option below that best describes your business / organization:
Indigenous led organizations please indicate which of the following best describes your indigenous status
Indigenous led organizations please indicate which of the following best describes your indigenous status
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 64 MB.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 64 MB.
      *I acknowledge that I am responsible for ensuring that all information I enter on this form is accurate as my application for membership with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island. I authorize the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island to present the information on their respective channels. I agree to receive future communications from the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island.

      Become A Supporting Member


      In order to apply as a Supporting Member with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island, please check the box of the option that best describes your sitation.
      Preferred method of contact(Required)

      Have you claimed your tourism business on Tripadvisor?
      Max. file size: 64 MB.
      *I acknowledge that I am responsible for ensuring that all information I enter on this form is accurate as my application for membership with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island. I authorize the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island to present the information on their respective channels. I agree to receive future communications from the Indigenous Tourism Association of Prince Edward Island.