Market Evaluation form 2024

Artisan Vendor Evaluation Form

Please complete this evaluation form to receive your gas card for today.

Indigenous Artisan Market Evaluation Form 2024

Wela’lin for participating in the Prince Edward Island Indigenous Artisan Market. We hope you found it worthwhile, and we appreciate your participation. We value your feedback to help us improve future events like this one. Please complete this short survey to share your reflections on the event. Your answers will not be shared anywhere and will remain confidential.

"*" indicates required fields

Please rate the following aspects of this workshop:*
Location of the Market
Please rate the following aspects of this workshop:*
Date and time of the market
Please rate the following aspects of this workshop:*
Set up and logistics
Please rate the following aspects of this workshop:*
Pre-event information
Please rate the following aspects of this workshop:*
Event Support Team
Enter estimated sales $. (please only type in numbers)